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杨云龙 男,1979年11月生,工学博士,副教授,硕士生导师。2009年获华东理工大学微生物学专业硕士学位,2012年获华南理工大学环境工程专业博士学位,2017.7-2018.7美国克莱姆森大学(clemson university)访问学者。主要从事污水生态治理、废弃食用菌栽培料资源化利用及微生物燃料电池等教学与科研工作,近年来主持国家及省部级课题多项,已发表学术论文多篇,其中sci(第一作者)收录15篇。华南理工大学优秀博士创新基金获得者;华南理工大学优秀博士学位论文获得者;福建农林大学“金山学者”学术新秀。指导研究生3人次获得研究生国家奖学金。主要承担工程制图、环境法、发酵工程等课程。






1.嗜热芽胞杆菌k5基于关键酶与基因的同步硝化反硝化机制研究,国家自然科学基金青年基金,项目编号:21407024,起止时间:2015.1-2017.12,项目经费:24万元 (已结题)

2.螯台球菌(chelatococcus daeguensis tad1)在中温下脱除一氧化氮(no)的分子机制研究,福建省科技厅,项目编号:2015j01594,起止时间:2015.4-2018.4,项目经费:5万元 (已结题)


4.废弃食用菌栽培料对重金属的吸附研究,福建省农技推广项目,起止时间:2015.11-2016.11,项目经费:15万元 (已结题)


1.yang, y., lin, e., sun, s., chen, h., chow, a.t. 2019. direct electricity production from subaqueous wetland sediments and banana peels using membrane-less    microbial fuel cells. industrial crops and products, 128, 70-79.

2.yang, y., chen, h., majidzadeh, h., chow, a.t. 2018a. electricity generation from different wetlands: mechanisms based on dissolved organic matters in membrane-less microbial fuel cells. chemical engineering journal, 351, 1006-1012.

3.yang, y., lin, e., sun, s., tao, x., zhong, l., hu, k. 2018b. piggery wastewater treatment by acinetobacter sp. tx5 immobilized with spent mushroom substrate  in a fixed-bed reactor. science of the total environment, 644, 1460-1468.

4.yang, y.,lin, e.,tao, x., hu, k. 2018c. high efficiency removal of pb(ii) by modified spent compost of hypsizygus marmoreus in a fixed-bed column. desalination and water treatment, 102, 220-228.

5.yang, y., chen, f., xie, l., xiong, j., hu, k. 2017a. nitrogen removal from piggery wastewater within a sequencing batch reactor using pseudomonas putida.     polish journal of environmental studies, 26(2), 861-869.

6.yang, y.,lin, e.,huang, s.2017b. heterotrophic nitrogen removal in bacillus sp. k5: involvement of a novel hydroxylamine oxidase. water science and technology, 76(12), 3461-3467.

7.yang, y., lin, e., huang, s. 2017c. complete genome sequence of the aerobically denitrifying thermophilic bacterium chelatococcus daeguensis tad1. brazilian   journal of microbiology, 48(4), 615-616.

8.yang, y., tao, x., lin, e., hu, k. 2017d. enhanced nitrogen removal with spent mushroom compost in a sequencing batch reactor. bioresource technology, 244, 897-904.

9.yang, y., xie, l., tao, x., hu, k.,huang, s. 2017e. municipal wastewater treatment by the bioaugmentation of bacillus sp. k5 within a sequencing batch reactor. plos one, 12(6), e0178837.

10.yang, y., liang, w., hu, k. 2016. simulated ammonia nitrogen wastewater treated with spent mushroom compost in a laboratory bioreactor. polish journal of     environmental studies, 25(5), 2197-2203.

11.yang, y., huang, c., hu, k. 2015.purification and further characterizations of the cellulase from the spent mushroom compost of hypsizygus marmoreus. research journal of biotechnology, 10(2), 52-57.

12.yang, y., huang, s. 2014. expression of napa, nirk, cnorb and nosz in chelatococcus daeguensis tad1 at high temperature under oxic conditions.research journal of biotechnology, 9(9), 38-45.

13.yang, y., huang, s.,zhang, y., xu, f.2014. nitrogen removal by chelatococcus daeguensis tad1 and its denitrification gene identification. applied biochemistry and biotechnology, 172(2), 829-839.

14.yang, y., huang, s., zhang, y.,xu, f.2013. field applications for nox removal from flue gas in a biotrickling filter by chelatococcus daeguensis tad1. aerosol and air quality research, 13, 1824-1831.

15.yang, y., huang, s., liang, w., zhang, y., huang, h., xu, f. 2012. microbial removal of nox at high temperature by a novel aerobic strain chelatococcus       daeguensis tad1 in a biotrickling filter. journal of hazardous materials, 203-204, 326-332.

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电子邮箱 longyunyang@126.com

qq号码 474585312

