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申景岭 男,博士,教授,博士生导师,1976年出生于黑龙江。1998年本科毕业于东北农业大学,2003年和2007年毕业于哈尔滨医科大学,获医学硕士、博士学位;2008年至2011年,日本熊本大学发育与遗传研究所、熊本大学动物资源中心从事小鼠基因操作研究;2014年至2015年,美国德州大学休斯顿健康医学中心博士后;2003年至2019年,任哈尔滨医科大学组织与胚胎学教研室副主任、黑龙江省领军人才梯队后备带头人;2019至今,温州大学生命科学研究院教授。从事干细胞与发育生物学研究,为中国解剖学会医学发育生物学会委员;主持国家自然科学基金,中国博士后基金,黑龙江省留学归国基金等项目,参与973和863子课题;目前发表sci论文20余篇。




1.pcreb is involved in neural induction of mouse embryonic stem cells by ra. anat rec. 2008,291 (5)519-26. (共同第一作者)

2.generation of dorsal spinal cord gabaergic neurons from mouse embryonic stem cells.   cell reprogram. 2011; 13(1):85-91. (通讯)

3.continuous passages accelerate the reprogramming of mouse induced pluripotent stem    cells. cell reprogram. 2014 feb;16(1):77-83. (共同通讯)

4.lack of association between the g 2044a polymorphism of interleukin-13 gene and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a meta-analysis. mol biol rep. 2014 sep;41(9):6297-303. (共同通讯)

5.associations of abhd2 genetic variations with risks for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in a chinese han population. plos one. 2015 apr 16;10(4):e0123929. doi: 10.1371. (共同通讯)

6.abnormal dynamic changes in β-tubulin in somatic nuclear transfer cloned mouse embryos. zygote. 2015 feb;23(1):76-82. (第一作者)

7.shp2-deficiency in chondrocytes deforms orofacial cartilage and ciliogenesis in mice. j bone miner res. 2015 nov;30(11):2028-32. (共同第一作者)

8.severe ocular phenotypes in rbp4-deficient mice in the c57bl/6 genetic background. lab invest. 2016 jun;96(6):680-91. (第一作者)

9.developmental pattern of hexaploid mouse embryos produced by blastomeres fusion of diploid and tetraploid embryos at 2-cell stage. zygote. 2009 23(2):1-6.

10.es cell extract induced expression of pluripotent factors in somatic cell. anatomical record 2009 292(8):1229-34.

11.age -related pulmonary emphysema in mice lacking alpha/beta hydrolase domain containing 2 gene. biochem biophys res commun. 2009 mar 6; 380(2):419-24.

12.effect of carbamylated erythropoietin on major histocompatibility complex expression and neural differentiation of human neural stem cells. j neuroimmunol. 2010, 221(1-2):15-24.

13.ehanced expression of human cdna by phosphoglycerate kinase promoter-puromycin cassette in the mouse transthyretin locus. transgenic res. 2011 ;20(1):191-200.

mscs guide neurite directional extension and promote oligodendrogenesis in nscs. biochem biophys res commun. 2009, 3;384(3):372-7.

14.aggregation of preimplantation embryos improves establishment of parthenogenetic stem cells and expression of imprinted genes. dev growth differ. 2012 may; 54(4):481-8.

15.rrna genes are not fully activated in mouse somatic cell nuclear transfer embryos. j biol chem. 2012 jun 8; 287(24):19949-60.

16.association between the interleukin-4, interleukin-13 polymorphisms and asthma: a meta-analysis. mol biol rep. 2013 feb; 40(2):1365-76.

17.generation of neural progenitors from induced bama miniature pig pluripotent cells. reproduction. 2013 nov 20;147(1):65-72.

18.morphological changes and germ layer formation in the porcine embryos from days 7-13 of development. zygote. 2013 nov 15:1-11.

19.comparison of reprogramming genes in induced pluripotent stem cells and nuclear transfer cloned embryos. stem cell rev. 2014 aug;10(4):548-60.

20.chf5074 (csp-1103) stabilizes human transthyretin in mice humanized at the transthyretin and retinol-binding protein loci. febs lett. 2015 mar 24;589(7):849-56.

21.microrna-224 inhibits proliferation and migration of breast cancer cells by down-regulating fizzled 5 expression. oncotarget. 2016 aug 2;7(31):49130-49142.

22.serum starvation-induced cell cycle synchronization stimulated mouse rdna transcription reactivation during somatic cell reprogramming into ipscs. stem cell res ther. 2016 aug 11;7(1):112.

23.rescue of retinal morphology and function in a humanized mouse at the mouse retinol-binding protein locus. lab invest. 2017 apr;97(4):395-408.

24.itraq-based quantitative proteomic analysis of yamanaka factors reprogrammed breast cancer cells. oncotarget. 2017 may 23;8(21):34330-34339.

25.amyloid deposition in a mouse model humanized at the transthyretin and retinol-binding protein 4 loci. lab invest. 2018 jan 12. doi: 10.1038/s41374-017-0019-y




3.建立人tdp-43 突变疾病模型探讨tdp-43 在als 中的功能,国家自然科学基金,经费21万,2010.1-2012.12,项目负责人

4.建立人tdp-43 突变疾病模型探讨tdp-43 在als 中的功能,黑龙江省博士后启动基金,经费5万,2010.1-2011.12,项目负责人












4.2014年-2019年 黑龙江省领军人才梯队后备带头人

5.2010年-2014年 黑龙江省重点学科后备带头人

6.2008年第七届生命科学前沿国际研讨会,青年优秀论文奖 香港中文大学/中南大学

7.2006 医学生课堂笔记及应试指南丛书-组织胚胎学 人民军医出版社 副主编



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