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主要研究方向:经济无脊椎动物的发育和毒理学研究。近年来主持和参加国家自然科学基金、国际合作项目、国家科技支撑计划专题项目、浙江省自然科学基金、浙江省科技计划项目、浙江省教育厅科研项目、温州市科技计划项目等各类科研项目和教改项目20多项。入选浙江省“151人才工程”及温州市“551人才工程”。参编了2本野外实习教材,在 《aquatic toxicology》、《aquaculture》、《ecotoxicology》、《micro》、《italian journal of zoology》、《helgol mar res》、《aquaculture research》、《marine biology research》、《环境科学学报》、《动物学报》、《水生生物学报》、《海洋与湖沼》、《动物学研究》等国内外重要刊物上发表论文50多篇。多篇论文获浙江省自然科学优秀论文二、三等奖。主持及参与的项目获国家海洋创新成果奖二等奖;省高校成果三等奖和温州市科技进步二、三等奖。


[1] yong lin, jia-jia huang, hans-uwe dahms, jing-jing zhen, xue-ping ying(*). cell damage and apoptosis in the hepatopancreas of eriocheir sinensis induced by cadmium. aquatic toxicology, 2017, 190:190-198.
[2] liping xia, sihan che, hans-uwe dahms, xueping ying(*), xue peng. cadmium induced oxidative damage and apoptosis in the hepatopancreas of meretrix meretrix. ecotoxicology, 2016, 25:959-969.
[3] sihan chen, liping xia, hansuwe dahms, xue peng, xueping ying(*). the ultrastructural characteristics of spermatogenesis in onchidium struma (pulmonata: onchidiidae) and its functional adaptation. italian journal of zoology, 2015, 82(4): 489-498.
[4] xueping ying, hansuwe dahms, xiaoyng ni, congcong hou, yujie zhang, wanxi yang. seasonal changes of the fatty acid composition in the hepatopancreas and vitelline gland of the gastropod onchidium struma. marine biology research, 2014, 10(8): 781-790.
[5] xue-ping ying*,xiao sun,hong-xi wu,et al. the fine structure of coelomocytes in the sipunculid phascolosoma esculenta. micron,2010,41, 71–78.
[6] xue-pingying*, hans-uwe dahms, xin-mei liu et al. development of germ cells and reproductive biology in the sipunculid phascolosoma esculenta. aquaculture research, 2009, 40, 305-314.
[7] xue-ping ying*,wan-xi yang,hans-u. dahms et al. spermatozoa and spermatogenesis in the northern quahaug mercenaria mercenaria (mollusca, bivalvia). helgol mar res, 2008,62:321-329.
[8] ying xue-ping, yang wan-xi, zhang yong-pu. comparative studies on fatty acid composition of the ovaries and hepatopancreas at different physiological stages of the chinese mitten crab. aquaculture, 2006, 256:617-623.
[9] 彭雪,黄晓亮,陈思涵,陈上静,应雪萍*. 镉、汞单独及联合胁迫对中华绒螯蟹的急性毒性. 水产科学2015,34(4):220-226.
[10] 刘建博,夏利平,徐瑞,陈思涵,应雪萍*. 镉离子对文蛤肝胰腺超微结构的影响. 动物学杂志2014,49(5):727-735.
[11] 刘建博,潘登,江安娜,黄晓亮,应雪萍*. 镉暴露对文蛤雄性生殖细胞的影响,环境科学学报,2013,33(7):2036-2043.
[12] 张雨洁,倪小英,应雪萍*. zn2 和cd2 单独及联合作用对青蛤肝胰腺消化酶活性的影响. 应用海洋学学报,2013,32(1):88-94.


[1] 镉对文蛤雄性生殖细胞的毒性效应及金属硫蛋白的解毒机制, 浙江省自然科学基金项目( ly13c040003), 8万, 2013.01-2015.12
[2] 重金属胁迫对温州潮间带经济动物的毒理研究, 温州市创新团队项目(kz1211004-8), 8万, 2012.01-2015.06
[3] 重金属诱导金属硫蛋白在文蛤组织中的表达及对肝胰腺超微结构的影响, 浙江省自然科学基金项目(y3080294), 8 万, 2008.01-2010.12.
[4] 石磺的生物学特性及围塘养殖技术, 浙江省科技厅项目 (2007c33066), 15万, 2007.01-2009.12.
[5] 一种c-末端驱动蛋白在中华绒螯蟹精子形成过程中作用的分子机制, 国家自然科学基金项目( 30671606), 28万, 2007.01-2009.12.


[1] 2016年参与的项目“以培养反思能力为核心的生物科学专业课程教学改革的研究与实践”获浙江省高等教育成果二等奖,第三。
[2] 2014年获温州大学第二届陈国同奖励基金“育人典范奖”。
[3] 2013年获温州大学生科技创新十佳指导教师。
[4] 2013年获温州大学2012/2013学年度优秀班主任。
[5] 2010年主持的《动物学实验》获浙江省精品课程。
[6] 2009参与的项目“基于生物类专业的人体解剖生理学教学新模式研究与实践”获温州大学教学成果一等奖,第三。
[7] 2008年主持的《动物学》获温州市精品课程
[1] development of germ cells and reproductive biology in the sipunculid phascolosoma esculenta 获2010浙江省自然科学学术奖三等奖,第一
[2]瘤背石磺生物学特性及增养殖技术研究与应用 获2009年度国家海洋创新成果奖二等奖,第六







selected publications

1. yong lin, jia-jia huang, hans-uwe dahms, jing-jing zhen, xue-ping ying(*). cell damage and apoptosis in the hepatopancreas of eriocheir sinensis induced by cadmium. aquatic toxicology, 2017, 190:190-198.
2. liping xia, sihan che, hans-uwe dahms, xueping ying(*), xue peng. cadmium induced oxidative damage and apoptosis in the hepatopancreas of meretrix meretrix. ecotoxicology, 2016, 25:959-969.
3. sihan chen, liping xia, hansuwe dahms, xue peng, xueping ying(*). the ultrastructural characteristics of spermatogenesis in onchidium struma (pulmonata: onchidiidae) and its functional adaptation. italian journal of zoology, 2015, 82(4): 489-498.
4. xueping ying, hansuwe dahms, xiaoyng ni, congcong hou, yujie zhang, wanxi yang. seasonal changes of the fatty acid composition in the hepatopancreas and vitelline gland of the gastropod onchidium struma. marine biology research, 2014, 10(8): 781-790.
5. jianbo liu, liping xia, rui xu, sihan chen, xueping ying(*). effects of cadmium on ultrastructure of hepatopancreas in meretrix meretrix. chinese journal of zoology, 2014, 49 (5): 727-735.
6. jianbo liu, deng pan, anna jiang, xiaoliang huang, xueping ying(*). effects of cadmium exposure on sperm atozoon of meretrix meretrix. acta scientiae circumstantiae, 2013, 33(7):2036-2043.

selected projects

1. the toxic effect of the male reproductive cells of meretrix meretrix induced by cadmium and the detoxification mechanism of metallothioneinn. natural science foundation of zhejiang province ( ly13c040003). 80,000 rmb. 01/2013-12/2015.
2. toxicological study of metal stress to the economic animals in the intertidal zone of wenzhou. wenzhou science and technology innovation team project (c20120007-07). 80,000 rbm. 01/2012-06/2015.

  1. the expression of metallothionein in the tissues and the ultrastructure effects on hepatopancreas of meretrix meretrix induced by cadmium. natural science foundation of zhejiang province (y3080294). 80,000 rbm. 01/2008-12/2012.

4. the breeding technology and the biological characteristics of onchidium struma. science and technology department of zhejiang province(2007c33066). 150,000 rbm. 01/2007-12/2009.
5. the molecular mechanism of the role of c- terminal kinesin in the formation of the spermatogenesis of chinese mitten crab. national natural science foundation of china (30671606). 280,000 rbm. 01/2007-12/2009.

honors and awards

1. “development of germ cells and reproductive biology in the sipunculid phascolosoma esculenta” award the third prize of zhejiang natural science academic award, 2010.
2. “research and application of increasing breeding technology and biological characteristics ofonchidium struma” award the second prize of the national marine innovation, 2009.
3. "151 talent" awardee of zhejiang province, 2003
4. "551 talent" awardee of wenzhou city, 2001

