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陈华林 男,博士,教授,温州市551新世纪人才工程第二层次培养人才,浙江省151第三层次培养人才。近年来主要开展化学污染物环境界面行为及修复技术研究。主持和参加多项国家自然科学基金项目,浙江省自然科学基金项目,温州市科技计划项目,以及横向项目。已发表学术论文20余篇,其中10多篇被sci收录。个人简历:2008.7~2009.1,美国罗格斯新泽西州立大学环境科学系,访问学者;2004.2至今,温州大学生命与环境科学学院;1996.7~2004.1,四川农业大学环境科学与工程系;2000.9~2003.7,浙江大学环境工程系,获博士学位;1997.9~2000.7,四川农业大学土壤学专业,获硕士学位;1992.9~1996.7,四川农业大学环境保护专业,获学士学位。
















1.chen h l,xie h j,zhou j m,tao y l,zhang y p, zheng q s, wang y f. removal efficiency of hexavalent chromium from wastewater using a starch stabilized nanoscale zero-valent iron. water science and technology, 2019, 80 (6): 1076-1084.

2.zhou j m, chen h l, tao y l, thring r w, mao j l. biochar amendment of chromium-polluted paddy soil suppresses greenhouse gas emissions and decreases chromium uptake by rice grain. journal of soils and sediments, 2019.19:1756-1766.

3.zhou j m,chen h l,thring r w,arocena j m.chemical pretreatment of rice straw biochar: effect on biochar properties and hexavalent chromium adsorption. interna-tional journal of environmental research, 2019,13(1), doi 10.1007/ s41742-018-0156-1.

4.shi j j, chen h l(*), arocena j m, whitcombe t, thring r w, memiaghe j n. elemental sulfur amendment decreases bio-available cr-vi in soils impacted by leather tanneries. environmental pollution, 2016, 212: 57-64.

5.zhou j m, chen h l, huang w l, arocena j m, ge s m. sorption of atrazine, 17α-estradiol, and phenanthrene on wheat straw and peanut shell biochars. water air and soil pollution, 2016, 227(7):2699-2711.

6.chen h l, arocena j m, li j b, thring r w, zhou j m. assessments of chromium (and other metals) in vegetables and potential bio-accumulations in humans living in areas affected by tannery waste. chemosphere, 2014, 112: 412-419.

7.chen h l,arocena j m,li j b,thring r w, zhou j m. mobility and storage sinks for chromium and other metals in soils impacted by leather tannery wastes. journal of environmental monitoring, 2012, 14: 3240-3248.

8.chen h l, zhou j m, xiao b h. characterization of dissolved organic matter derived from rice straw at different stages of decay.journal of soils and sediments, 2010, 10:915-922

9.chen h l, zhou j m, huang w l, yu w p, wan z x. biodegradability of dissolved organic matter derived from rice straw. soil science, 2009, 174: 143-150

10.chen h l, chen y x, xu y t, shen m w. estimation of apparent rate coefficients for phenanthrene and pentachlorophenol interacting with sediments.environmental pollution, 2004,131:223-231

11.chen h l, zhou j m, chen y x, xu y t. effect of organic fractions on sorption properties of organic pollutants in sediments.journal of environmental sciences, 2005, 17(2):200-204

12.陈华林,陈英旭,王子健,沈梦蔚,许云台. 中国南方河流和湖泊沉积物对多环芳烃(菲)的吸附特性. 环境科学,2003,24(5):120-124

13.陈华林,陈英旭,许云台,沈梦蔚. 运用区室模型预测有机污染物在沉积物和水相迁移行为的研究. 环境科学学报,2004,24(4):568-575

14.陈华林,周江敏,金煜彬,杜爱雪,俞伟峰,杨东旭. 温州城市土壤cu,zn,pb含量及其形态研究. 水土保持学报,2007,21(6):75-78

15.唐东民,伍钧,陈华林(通讯),周江敏. 溶解性有机质对芘在土壤中吸附解吸的影响. 环境科学学报, 2010, 30(4): 814-819



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