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郝爱民,女,教授,硕士生导师。     1e86日本九州大学博士,日本文部省科学技术振兴会(jsps)外国人特别研究员2009-2016年任职于日本九州大学大学院工学研究院资源循环部门2017年任职于温州大学至今。海外引进人才,学科带头人,从事水生态环境修复、水体富营养化水质改善、蓝藻水华治理及其设备研发与应用等研究工作。在国内学术杂志及国际学会发表论文100余篇,著书2部,取得专利20项。

1.     aimin hao, mengyao su, sohei kobayashi, min zhao & yasushi iseri: multiple roles of bamboo as a regulator of cyanobacterial bloom in aquatic systems. scientifc reports, 2022.1. www.nature.com/scientificreports/ https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-05506-2.

2.     aimin hao, sohei kobayashi, dong xia, qi mi, ning yan, mengyao su, aishou lin, min zhao and yasushi iseri: controlling eutrophication via surface aerators in irregular-shaped urban ponds. water, 2021.11. https://doi.org/10.3390/w13233360.

3.      aimin hao, sohei kobayashi, ning yan, dong xia, min zhao, yasushi iseri:  improvement of water quality using a circulation device equipped with oxidation carriers and light emitting diodes in eutrophic pond mesocosms.  journal of environmental chemical engineering, 2021.4. https://doi 10.1016/j.jece.2021.105075.

4.     aimin hao, tomokazu haraguchi, takahiro kuba, kai he, yingchao lin, yasushi iseri: effect of the microorganism-adherent carrier for nitzschia palea to control the cyanobacterial blooms. ecological engineering. 2021.1. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoleng.2020.106127.

5.     aimin hao, sohei kobayashi, huilin huang, qi mi and yasushi iseri: effects of substrate and water depth of a eutrophic pond on the physiological status of a submerged plant, vallisneria natans. the journal of life and environmental sciences. 2020.11. doi 10.7717/peerj.10273.

6.     渡邉俊介大隈一輝podiapen tannen naythen・藤林恵・井芹寧・郝愛民・久場隆広:physiological characteristics of diatom nitzschia palea for ecological engineering countermeasure method of water blooms. 日本土木学会论文集g(环境), 2020.9, 76(7). 国内一级期刊.

7.     渡邉俊介podiapen tannen naythen・糸瀬亮太・井芹寧・郝愛民・久場隆広:the competition characteristic of diatom nitzschia palea and water blooms and the growth inhibition effect of led irradiation on cyanobacteria microcystis aeruginosa. 日本土木学会论文集g(环境), 2019.9, 75(7). 国内一级期刊.

8.      zhifan ni, xiaogang wu, zhenjia zhang, aimin hao, yasushi iseri, takahiro kuba, xiaojun zhang, wei min wu, chunjie li: pollution control and in situ bioremediation for lake aquaculture using an ecological dam. journal of cleaner production, 2018.7. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.6.185.

9.     井芹寧・朝位孝二・郝愛民・原口智和・久場隆広:発光ダイオード照射による枯死アオコ分解時における水質浄化効果,土木学会論文集b1(水工学),72(4),631‐ⅰ-636,2016.3. 国内一级期刊.

10.   yuxian liu, aimin hao, yasushi iseri, chunjie li, zhenjia zhang and takahiro kkuba: possible survival mechanisms of sinanodonta woodiana exposed to microcystin, journal of jsce, 3, 259-267, 2015.9.

11.   caixia kang, aimin hao, yasushi iseri and takahiro kuba: metabolic and antioxidant responses of vallisneria asiatica to different concentrations of dissolved inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus, japanese journal of water treatment biology, 50(3), 105-112, 2014.9.

12.   郝愛民・久場隆広・井芹寧・張振家・康彩霞・劉玉賢・原口智和:中国太湖における富栄養化水域の水質特性と生物分布,土木学会論文集g(環境),69(3),97-104,2013.7.

13.  yuxian liu, aimin hao, yasushi iseri, chunjie li, zhenjia zhang and takahiro kuba: the evaluation of sinanodonta woodiana application feasibility as a microcystis-blooming removal tool in microcosm experiments, 土木学会論文集g(環境),69(7), _45-_53, 2013.12.

14.   hiroshi sakai, aimin hao, yasushi iseri, song wang, takahiro kuba, zhenjia zhang and hiroyuki katayama: occurrence and distribution of microcystins in lake taihu, china, the scientific world journal, 2012, article id 838176, 7 pages.

15.   郝愛民・久場隆広・井芹寧・張振家・劉玉賢・原口智和:セキショウモ(vallisneria asiatica)の抗酸化機能に及ぼす銅イオンの影響,応用生態工学,14(2),115-122,2011.




1.    物理喷射分散技术处理库蓝藻水华的机理研究及应用,国家重点研发计划中日政府间科技合作项目,2019.9-2023.6

2.     温州市流域尺度水生态环境保护国际合作研究,温州市科技局海外智力项目,2021.3-2024.12

3.     中国湖滨湿地・滩涂地洪涝泥石流的调节及生态功能评价研,温州大学-日本京都大学国际共同研究项目,2021.4-2024.3

4.     蓝藻喷射处理装置的试制研发,横向课题项目,2017.7-2023.6

5.     富营养化水体智能生物链治理技术项目,横向课题项目,2020.11-2023.11




1.     水生态环境修复与保全

2.     水体富营养化水质改善及其技术开发

3.     环境负荷因子对水生植物抗酸化机能影响

4.     蓝藻水华发生机理与去除技术研究

5.     环境生物技术的控藻及资源化利用

6.     富营养化水体智能生物链治理技术







