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佟海滨,“吉林省青年科技奖”获得者,原就职于北华大学医学部生命科学研究中心,于2017年加入温州大学生命与环境科学学院,副研究员,硕士研究生导师,“瓯江特聘教授”d类。毕业于东北师范大学细胞生物学专业,获理学博士学位(导师:曾宪录教授),中国中医科学院中药资源中心接受博士后科研训练(合作导师:黄璐琦院士),国家留学基金委资助赴美国耶鲁大学进行为期一年的合作研究(合作导师:martin schwartz教授)。课题组重点开展特色药用生物资源(海洋藻类及道地中药材)天然活性物质的药理功能评价,主要针对非感染性炎症、慢性代谢性疾病等严重威胁人类健康的重大疾病,利用细胞及模式动物(小鼠、果蝇)模型,筛选发现天然先导化合物,在分子细胞及整体水平上揭示其药理药效机制,拓展药用生物新资源。




1. 羊栖菜岩藻聚糖硫酸酯干预高脂高糖膳食诱导胰岛素抵抗的功效评价及新型糖类先导物的发现(项目编号:zy2019013),温州市重大科技创新攻关医疗卫生项目

2. 柴胡中基于p-selectin靶点治疗急性肺损伤的新型糖类先导化合物的发现与作用机制研究(项目编号:81872952),国家自然科学基金面上项目

3. 传统中药柴胡拮抗黏附分子靶点用于治疗‎ali‎的新‎型糖类先导物的挖掘与药效评价‎(项目编号:y20180210),温州市科技计划项目

4. 羊栖菜多糖功能性糖链基序基于p-selectin靶点发挥急性肺损伤保护作用的机制研究(项目编号:ly18c020006),浙江省自然科学基金面上项目

5. 柴胡多糖拮抗p-选择素发挥急性肺损伤保护作用的研究(项目编号:2017m610155),中国博士后科学基金第61批面上资助一等

6. c-abl激酶在中性粒细胞应答剪切力爬行进程中的分子行为及作用机制研究(项目编号:31401203),国家自然科学基金青年项目

7. 基于p-selectin功能拮抗的柴胡多糖核心糖链基序的纯化及新型糖类抗炎药物开发(项目编号:20140204039yy),吉林省科技厅重点科技攻关项目


1. song, j.x., wu, y., ma, x.j., feng, l.j., wang, z.g., jiang, g.q.*,tong, h.b.*structural characterization and α-glycosidase inhibitory activity of a novel polysaccharide fraction fromaconitum coreanum.carbohydrate polymers, 2020,230, 115586.(sciif6.0442topcorresponding author

2. he, d., yan l.p., ma, x.j., cheng, y., wu, s.y., zuo, j.h., park, e.j., liu, j., wu, m.j., choi, j.i.*,tong, h.b.*gamma-irradiation degradation of sulfated polysaccharide from a new red alga strainpyropia yezoensissookwawon 104 and their in vitro antitumor bioactivity.oncology letters, 2020, in press(sciif1.8714区,corresponding author

3. liu, j., wu, s.y., chen, l., li, q.j., shen, y.z., jin, l., zhang, x., chen, p.c., wu, m.j.*, choi, j.i*,tong, h.b.*different extraction methods bring about distinct physicochemical properties and antioxidant activities ofsargassum fusiformefucoidans.international journal of biological macromolecules, 2019,doi:10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2019.11.113(sciif4.7842区,corresponding author

4. luthuli, s., wu, s.y., cheng, y., zheng, x.l., wu, m.j.*,tong, h.b.*therapeutic effects of fucoidan: a review on recent studies.marine drugs, 2019, 17, e487.(sciif3.7722区,corresponding author

5. song, j.x., wu, y., jiang, g.q., feng, l.j., wang, z.g., yuan, g.x.*,tong, h.b.*sulfated polysaccharides fromrhodiola sachalinensisreduce d-gal-induced oxidative stress in nih 3t3 cells.international journal of biological macromolecules, 2019,140, 288–293.(sciif4.7842区,corresponding author

6. he, d., wu, s.y., yan, l.p., zuo, j.h., cheng, y., wang, h.f., liu, j., zhang, x., choi, j.i., wu, m.j.*,tong, h.b.*antitumor bioactivity of porphyran extracted frompyropia yezoensischonsoo2 on human cancer cell lines.journal of the science of food and agriculture, 2019, 99: 6722–6730.(sciif2.4222topcorresponding author

7. cheng, y., sibusiso, l., hou, l.f., jiang, h.j., chen, p.c., zhang, x., wu, m.j.*,tong, h.b.*sargassum fusiformefucoidan modifies the gut microbiota during alleviation of streptozotocin-induced hyperglycemia in mice.international journal of biological macromolecules, 2019, 131: 1162-1170.(sciif4.7842区,corresponding author

8. wu, s.y., zhang, x., liu, j., song, j.x., yu, p., chen, p.c., liao, z.y., wu, m.j.*,tong, h.b.*physicochemical characterization ofsargassum fusiformefucoidan fractions and their antagonistic effect against p-selectin-mediated cell adhesion.international journal of biological macromolecules, 2019, 133: 656-662.(sciif4.7842区,corresponding author

9.tong, h.b., wu, s.y., song k.x., liu j., song x.d., zhang x., huang l.q.*, wu, m.j.* characterization of a p-selectin-binding moiety from bupleurum chinense polysaccharide and its antagonistic effect against p-selectin-mediated function.carbohydrate polymers, 2018, 196: 110-116.(sciif6.0442top

10.tong, h.b., zheng, x.l., song, j.x., liu, j., ren, t., zhang, x., huang, l.q.*, wu, m.j.*radical scavenging activity of sulfatedbupleurum chinensepolysaccharides and their effects against oxidative stress-induced senescence.carbohydrate polymers, 2018, 192: 143-149.(sciif6.0442top

11.tong, h.b., qi, d.k., guan, x.g., jiang, g.q., liao, z.y., zhang, x., chen, p.c., li, n., wu, m.j.* c-abl tyrosine kinase regulates neutrophil crawling behavior under fluid shear stress via rac/pak/limk/cofilin signaling axis.journal of cellular biochemistry,2018,119:2806–2817.(sciif3.4483

12. song, x.f., ren, t., zheng, z., lu, t.c., wang, z.c., du, f.g.,tong, h.b.*anti-tumor and immunomodulatory activities induced by an alkali-extracted polysaccharide bcap-1 frombupleurum chinensevia nf-κb signaling pathway.international journal of biological macromolecules, 2017, 95: 357-362.(sciif4.7842区,corresponding author

13.tong, h.b., jiang, g.q., qi, d.k., bi, j.f., tian, d., guan, x.g., zheng, s., sun, x.*bupleurum chinensepolysaccharide inhibit adhesion of human melanoma cells via blocking β1 integrin function.carbohydrate polymers, 2017, 156: 244-252.(sciif6.0442top

14.tong, h.b., jiang, g.q. guan, x.g., wu, h., song, k.x., cheng, k., sun, x.* characterization of a polysaccharide fromrosa davuricaand inhibitory activity against neutrophil migration.international journal of biological macromolecules, 2016, 89: 111-117.(sciif4.7842

15.tong, h.b., mao, d.r., zhai, m.y., zhang, z.r., sun, g.r., jiang, g.q.*macrophage activation induced by the polysaccharides isolated from the roots ofsanguisorba officinalis.pharmaceutical biology, 2015, 53: 1511-1515.(sciif1.9164

16.tong, h.b., song, j.x., zhang, z.r., mao, d.r., sun, g.r., jiang, g.q. inhibitory function of p-selectin-mediated leukocyte adhesion by the polysaccharides fromsanguisorba officinalis.pharmaceutical biology, 2015, 53: 345-349.(sciif1.9164

17.tong, h.b., tian, d., li, t.b., wang, b., jiang, g.q. sun, x. inhibition of inflammatory injure by polysaccharides frombupleurum chinensethrough antagonizing p-selectin.carbohydrate polymers, 2014, 105:20-25.(sciif6.0442top

18. kong, f.l., li, f.e., he, z.m.,, jiang, y., hao, r.y., sun, x.,tong, h.b.*anti-tumor and macrophage activation induced by alkali-extracted polysaccharide frompleurotus ostreatus.international journal of biological macromolecules, 2014, 69:561–566.(sciif4.7842区,corresponding author



2.山竹果皮花色苷的提取方法及其在制备抗炎药物中的应用zl 2010 1 0132394.8

3.一种高纯度松茸多糖提取工艺zl 2011 1 0072492.1






联系电话 13819706331(短号676331)

电子邮箱 tonghaibin@gmail.com tonghb@wzu.edu.cn

