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专业技术职务: 教授

最高学历/学位: 博士研究生/博士

联系地址: 浙江省温州市茶山高教园区温州大学生环学院

邮编: 325035

联系电话: 0577-86599737

email: wzu.edu.cn


1994-1998: 江西师范大学化学系,化学教育专业,学士
















1. 苦荞种质资源在华东生态区的性状评价、活性成分挖掘及饲草开发与推广(项目编号: ys2017yfgh001734)。国家重点研发计划政府间国际科技创新合作重点专项课题.

2. 大蓟黄酮类化合物挖掘、改造与抗糖尿病研究(项目编号:21276200)。国家自然科学基金.

3. 抗原受体多样性的形成机制及其起源(项目编号:2013cb835300)。科技部973项目子课题.

4. 中华鲟生长激素受体结构与功能及生长激素结合蛋白质产生机理的研究 (项目编号:30460036)。



6. 丙型肝炎病毒新型检测试剂盒的研制(项目编号:2010c33173)。浙江省科技厅社会公益项目.

7. 桦木醇类新化合物抗肿瘤活性及作用机理研究(项目编号:y20110853)。浙江省自然科学基金.

8. 桦木醇类新化合物挖掘与抗肿瘤活性研究( 项目编号:z2100435)。浙江省自然科学基金重点项目.

9. 羊栖菜新品种的选育和推广应用(项目编号:2015ga700005)。国家星火计划重点项目.

10. 羊栖菜抗衰老多糖级分的筛选及抗衰老机制的初步研究(项目编号:31470430)。国家自然科学      基金.


1. dongsong nie.   hui li. yu liu. zhiyong liao. role of spata34   in cell proliferation and its expression pattern in postnatal   development of rat testis. molecular biology reports, 2018 oct 19. doi:   10.1007/s11033-018-4439-6. [epub ahead of print]

2. jiming li, jingjing   zeng, lianpin wu, luyuan tao, zhiyong liao, maoping chu, lei li. loss   of p53 regresses cardiac remodeling induced by pressure overload partially   through inhibiting hif1α signaling in mice. 2018,   501: 394-399.

3. fanfhua gong, zhiyong   liao, qiongzhen chen. fgf1 improves functional recovery through inducing prdx1   to reduce autophagy and ros after spinal cord injury. journal of cellular and   molecular medicine 2018, 22:2727-2738.  

4. iuling, iu, iuyu, ejun, ongsong, u, aibing, imgjiang, itian, hiyong. immune response of   interferon-γ-inducible lysosomal thiol reductase (gilt) from chinese sturgeon   (acipenser sinensis) to microbial invasion and its antioxdative   activity in lipopolysaccharides-treated mammalian dentritic cells. 2018, 72: 356-366.  

5. tong haibing, qi d,   guan x, jiang g, liao zhiyong, zhang xu, chen peichao, li nan, wu   mingjiang.

journal of cell and   biochemistry 2018, 119: 2806-2817.  

6. li xiuyu, du hejun,   liu liu, you xiuling, wu mingjiang, liao zhiyong. fish shellfish immunology 2017, 70:1-12.  

7. chen peichao, he   dan, zhang ya, yang s, chen l, wang s, zou huixi, liao zhiyong, zhang   xu, wu mingjiang. food and function 2016, 7:4576-4588.

8. jingjing chu, bolun   hu, zhiyong liao, xingguo zhang. copper- catalyzed three-component   tandem cyclization for one-pot synthesis of 1,4-benzothiazines. the journal   of organic chemistry 2016, 81: 8647-8652.  

9. you   xiuling, sheng jianghong, liu liu, nie dongsong, liao zhiyong. molecular immunology   2015, 67: 642-651.  

10. you xiuling,   nie dongsong, qin huaxia, liu liu, chen xiaojun, liao zhiyong. cloning   and characterization of immune molecule cd9 homolog in chinese giant salamander   (andrias davidianus). chinese journal of biochemistry and molecular   biology, 2015, 31: 397-407.

11. liao zhiyong,   chen xiaojun, nie dongsong, wang jiajia, wu mingjiang. a ring finger protein   114  (rnf114) homolog from chinese sturgeon (acipenser sinensis)   possesses immune-regulation properties via modulating rig-i signaling   pathway-mediated interferon expression. fish shellfish immunology 2014, 41:   507-516.  

12. bolun hu, chunlin li, zhiyong   liao, xingguo zhang. tetrabutylammonium bromide catalyzed tandem   addition/cyclization of o-aralkynylaryl aldehydes with   trimethyl(trifluoromethyl)silane: synthesis of trifluoromethyl group   containing phthalans. synlett 2013, 24: 2748-2750.

13. liao zhiyong, wu   zhihua, wu mingjiang. cirsium japonicum flavones enhance adipocyte differentiation   and glucose uptake in 3t3-l1 cells. biological & pharmaceutical bulletin   2012, 35: 855-860.  

14. sudhanshu   shukla, ken-ichi fujita, qi xiao, zhiyong liao, susan   gareld, srinivasa m. srinivasula. a shear stress responsive gene product   pp1201 protects against fas-mediated apoptosis by reducing fas expression on   the cell surface. apoptosis   2011, 16: 162-173.

15. zhiyong liao, mingjiang wu, xiaoli   chen. anti-diabetic effect of flavones from cirsium japonicum dc   in   diabetic rats. archives of pharmacal   research 2010, 33: 353-362.

16. hiyong, iaoli, ingjiang. molecular cloning and   functional analysis of chinese sturgeon (acipenser sinensis) growth hormone   receptor. 2009, 52:911-921.














curriculum vitae


zhiyong liao   ph.d                        



college for life and environmental science

wenzhou  university

cha-shan university town

wenzhou 325035


tel: 86-577-86597351; fax: 86-577-86689257


education and job experience

1994-1998:  department of chemistry, jiangxi normal university, china.   b.s

1998-2003:  college of life sciences, shanghai institute of biochemistry and cell biology, chinese academy of sciences.   ph.d

2004-2005:  college of life sciences, jiangxi normal university.  assistant professor

2005-2007:  national institute of health, national institute of cancer, usa,  postdoctor

2008-2013:  college of life and environmental science, wenzhou university,  associate professor

2014-present: college of life and environmental science, wenzhou university,  professor

research interests:

[1] isolation of bioactive compounds from medicinal plants and animals and pharmacological research, such as anti-diabetic, anti-tumor and anti-aging.

[2] identification, cloning, expression, structure and function of metabolism- or immune response-related genes from medicinal plants and animals.

[3]  breeding and improvement of medicinal plants and animals.

research projects:

[1] character evaluation of tartary buckwheat germplasm resources in east china ecological region, active ingredient excavation, forage development and promotion. national key r&d program intergovernmental international science and technology innovation cooperation key project (grant no: ys2017yfgh001734), 2019.01-2022.12.

[2] screening of the sargassum fusiforme polysaccharide fractions with anti-aging effect and preliminary study on anti-aging mechanism. funded by national natural science foundation of china (grant no: 31470430), 2015.01-2018.12.

[3] excavation, transformation and anti-diabetic effects of flavonoids from cirsium japonicum. (grant no: 21276200), 2013.01-2016.12.

[4]  the formation mechanism of antigen receptor diversity and its origin. funded by the national basic research program of china (grant no: 2013cb835301), 2013.01-2017.08.

[5]  study on the excavation and antitumor activity of new birch alcohols. (grant no: z2100435), 2010.06-2013.06.

[6] anti-tumor activity of novel betulin compounds and the related functional mechanism. funded by natural science foundation of zhejiang (grant no: y20110853), 2011.01-2012.12.

[7] development of novel diagnostic kit of hepatitis c virus. funded by zhejiang science and technology program (grant no: 2010c33173), 2011.01-2012.12.

[8] structure and function of chinese sturgeon growth hormone receptor and the mechanism through which growth hormone-binding protein is generated. funded by national natural science foundation of china (grant no: 30460036), 2005.01-2007.12.


[1] dongsong nie. hui li. yu liu. zhiyong liao. role of spata34 in cell proliferation and its expression pattern in postnatal development of rat testis. molecular biology reports, 2018 oct 19. doi: 10.1007/s11033-018-4439-6. [epub ahead of print]

[2] jiming li, jingjing zeng, lianpin wu, luyuan tao, zhiyong liao, maoping chu, lei li. loss of p53 regresses cardiac remodeling induced by pressure overload partially through inhibiting hif1α signaling in mice.  2018, 501: 394-399. [4] fanfhua gong, zhiyong liao, qiongzhen chen. fgf1 improves functional recovery through inducing prdx1 to reduce autophagy and ros after spinal cord injury. journal of cellular and molecular medicine 2018, 22:2727-2738.

[3] iuling, iu, iuyu, ejun, ongsong, u, aibing, imgjiang, itian, hiyong. immune response of interferon-γ-inducible lysosomal thiol reductase (gilt) from chinese sturgeon (acipenser sinensis) to microbial invasion and its antioxdative activity in lipopolysaccharides-treated mammalian dentritic cells. 2018, 72: 356-366.

[4] tong haibing, qi d, guan x, jiang g, liao zhiyong, zhang xu, chen peichao, li nan, wu mingjiang. journal of cell and biochemistry 2018, 119: 2806-2817.

[5] li xiuyu, du hejun, liu liu, you xiuling, wu mingjiang, liao zhiyong. fish shellfish immunology 2017, 70:1-12. 

[6] chen peichao, he dan, zhang ya, yang s, chen l, wang s, zou huixi, liao zhiyong, zhang xu, wu mingjiang. food and function 2016, 7:4576-4588.

[7] jingjing chu, bolun hu, zhiyong liao, xingguo zhang. copper- catalyzed three-component tandem cyclization for one-pot synthesis of 1,4-benzothiazines. the journal of organic chemistry 2016, 81: 8647-8652.

[8] you xiuling, sheng jianghong, liu liu, nie dongsong, liao zhiyong. molecular immunology 2015, 67: 642-651.

[9] liao zhiyong, chen xiaojun, nie dongsong, wang jiajia, wu mingjiang. a ring finger protein 114  (rnf114) homolog from chinese sturgeon (acipenser sinensis) possesses immune-regulation properties via modulating rig-i signaling pathway-mediated interferon expression. fish shellfish immunology 2014, 41: 507-516.

[10] bolun hu, chunlin li, zhiyong liao, xingguo zhang. tetrabutylammonium bromide catalyzed tandem addition/cyclization of o-aralkynylaryl aldehydes with trimethyl(trifluoromethyl)silane: synthesis of trifluoromethyl group containing phthalans. synlett 2013, 24: 2748-2750.

[11] liao zhiyong, wu zhihua, wu mingjiang. cirsium japonicum flavones enhance adipocyte differentiation and glucose uptake in 3t3-l1 cells. biological & pharmaceutical bulletin 2012, 35: 855-860.
[12] sudhanshu shukla, ken-ichi fujita, qi xiao, zhiyong liao, susan gareld, srinivasa m. srinivasula. a shear stress responsive gene product pp1201 protects against fas-mediated apoptosis by reducing fas expression on the cell surface. apoptosis 2011, 16: 162-173.

[13] zhiyong liao, mingjiang wu, xiaoli chen. anti-diabetic effect of flavones from cirsium japonicum  dc in diabetic rats. archives of pharmacal research 2010, 33: 353-362.

[14] hiyongiaoli, ingjiang. molecular cloning and functional analysis of chinese sturgeon (acipenser sinensis) growth hormone receptor.  2009, 52:911-921.


