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周江敏 女,1973.11,博士,副教授。温州市551新世纪人才培养人选,新泽西州立大学访问学者。近年来主要开展天然有机质化学、污染控制化学、污染治理修复、环境规划等方向的研究工作。主持和参加多项国家自然科学基金项目,浙江省自然科学基金项目,温州市科技计划项目,以及横向项目。已发表学术论文30余篇,其中10多篇被sci检索收录。





2.温州塘河典型有机污染底泥氧化修复关键技术研究,s20160002, 市级项目, 主持, 20万, 2017-2018

3.生物质炭影响下农田土壤有机机碳固定效应及其微生物学机制研究, ly14d030001,浙江省自然科学基金,主持, 8.5万, 2014 -2016

4.温州市鹿城区环境保护十二五规划编制, kz1202105,市级项目,子项目主持, 1.0万, 2012 -2016

5.温州松台街道生态规划, kh1305006, 2013-2016,市级项目, 主持, 5.5万

6.水稻秸秆腐解产生溶解性有机质组分的结构特征及其对土壤有机污染物迁移行为的影响, 40501065,国家自然科学基金,主持, 28万, 2006-2008

7.秸秆还田影响下土壤溶解性有机碳库的变化与co2的排放效应, y307068,浙江省自然科学基金,主持, 7.5万, 2008-2009


1.jiangmin zhou, hualin chen, yueliang tao, ronald w. thring, jianliang.maobiochar amendment of chromium-polluted paddy soil suppresses greenhouse gas emissions and decreases chromium uptake by rice grain. journal of soils and sediments, 2019,10.1007/ s11368-018-2170-5

2.jiangmin zhou, hualin chen, ronald wallen thring, joselito modancia arocena. chemical pretreatment of rice straw biochar: effect on biochar properties and hexavalent chromium adsorption. international journal of environmental research, 2019, 13: 91–105

3.jiangmin zhou, hualin chen, weilin huang et al. sorption of atrazine, 17α-estradiol, and phenanthrene on wheat straw and peanut shell biochars. water air soil pollution, 2016, 227:7 doi 10.1007/s11270-015-2699-5

4.hualin chen, joselito modancia arocena, jianbin li,ronald w. thring, jiangmin zhou. assessments of chromium (and other metals) in vegetables and potential bio-accumulations in humans living in areas affected by tannery waste. chemosphere, 2014, 112: 412-419

5.jiangmin zhou, hualin chen, and weilin huang. effect of rice straw-derived dissolved organic matter on pyrene sorption by soil. environmental toxicology and chemistry, 2010, 29, 9: 1967–1975

6.hualin chen, joselito modancia arocena, jianbin li,ronald w. thring, jiangmin zhou. mobility and storage sinks for chromium and other metals in soils impacted by leather tannery wastes. journal of environmental monitoring, 2012, 14: 3240-3248

7.hualin chen, jiangmin zhou, baohua xiao. characterization of dissolved organic matter derived from rice straw at different stages of decay. journal of soils and sediments, 2010, 10: 915-922

8.倪文海,刘欢, 刘振涛,周江敏等.水稻秸杆腐解过程中溶解性有机质红外光谱研究.土壤,2013, 45(2): 220-226

9.周江敏,陈华林, 代静玉.土壤溶解性有机质在土壤固碳中的意义. 土壤通报,2011, 6: 1508-1514

10.周江敏,陈华林,唐东民,祝亮. 秸秆施用后土壤溶解性有机质的动态变化. 植物营养与肥料学报,2008,14(4):678-684.

11.温州市第十三届自然科学优秀论文奖,《effect of rice straw-derived dissolved organic matter on pyrene sorption by soil》,市级,二等,第1,2009

通讯地址 温州市高教园区温州大学生命与环境科学学院

电子邮箱 rosechl@qq.com

