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韩文娟,女,理学博士,讲师,硕士生导师。19888月生于安徽铜陵。2010年在天津师范大学获理学学士学位;2013年在西北农林科技大学获农学硕士学位;2017年在浙江大学获理学博士学位。主要从事恢复生态学,生物多样性与生态系统功能关系的研究工作。主持国家自然科学基金青年基金及浙江省自然科学基金青年基金各一项。以第一作者或通讯作者在applied soil ecology, ecological engineering, journal of plant ecology, journal of environment science, environment science pollution research, 应用生态学报,林业科学等期刊发表研究论文14篇;为ecological engineering, environmental pollution, journal of cleaner production等杂志的审稿人。







2. 浙江省生态学会会员


1. wenjuan han, guomin wang, jinliang liu, jian ni. effects of vegetation type, season, and soil properties on soil microbial community composition in subtropical forests. applied soil ecology, 2021, 158, 103813.

2. wenjuan han, xiaoling sheng, jiongni shao, jia jiang, qinru he, ying lin. effects of plant diversity and plant density on ecosystem functions in floating constructed wetlands. water air soil pollution. 2020, 231:544.

3. wenjuan han, jiayu cao, jinliang liu, jia jiang, jian ni, impacts of nitrogen deposition on terrestrial plant diversity: a meat-analysis in china. journal of plant ecology. 2019, 12, 1025-1033.

4. wenjuan han*, jiang jia, qinru he, huifang huang, jiahong hu, shimeng hu, jian ni, effects of nitrogen deposition and liming on the early regeneration of two dominant tree species in a subtropical forest of china. ecoscience. 2019, doi: 10.1080/11956860.2019.1570714.

5. wenjuan han, guiying luo, bin luo, chenchen yu, hai wang, jie chang, ying ge*, effects of plant diversity on greenhouse gas emissions in microcosms simulating vertical constructed wetlands with high ammonium loading. journal of environment science. 2019, 77: 229-237.

6. wenjuan han*, ying ge, yuan ren, bin luo, yuanyuan du, jie chang, jianzhi wu, removal of metals and their pools in plant in response to plant diversity in microcosms of floating constructed wetlands. ecological engineering, 2018, 113: 65-73.

7. wenjuan han, mengmeng shi, jie chang, yuan ren, ronghua xu, chongbang zhang, ying ge*, plant species diversity reduces n2o but not ch4 emissions from constructed wetlands under high nitrogen levels. environment science pollution research, 2017, 24: 1-11.

8. wenjuan han, jie chang, xing fan, yuanyuan du, scott x. chang, chongbang zhang, ying ge*, plant species diversity impacts nitrogen removal and nitrous oxide emissions as much as carbon addition in constructed wetland microcosms. ecological engineering, 2016, 93: 144-151.

9. yan geng, wenjuan han, chenchen yu, qinsu jiang, jianzhi wu, jie chang, ying ge*, effect of plant diversity on phosphorus removal in hydroponic microcosms simulating floating constructed wetlands. ecological engineering, 2017, 107: 110-119.

10. ying ge, wenjuan han, chengcai huang, hai wang, dong liu, scott x.chang, binhe gu, chongbang zhang, baojing gu, xing fan, yuanyuan du, jie chang*, positive effects of plant diversity on nitrogen removal in microcosms of constructed wetlands with high ammonium loading. ecological engineering, 2015, 82: 614-623.

11. bin luo, yuanyuan du, wenjuan han, yan geng, qian wang, yingyao duan, yuan ren, dong liu, jie chang, ying ge. reduce health damage cost of greenhouse gas and ammonia emissions by assembling plant diversity in floating constructed wetlands treating wastewater. journal of cleaner production. 2020,244,118977.

12. yuanyuan du, bin luo, wenjuan han, yingyao duan, chenchen yu, meng wang, ying ge, jie chang. increasing plant diversity offsets the influence of coarse sand on ecosystem services in microcosms of constructed wetlands. environmental science and pollution research. 2020.

13. chongbang zhang, wenli liu, wenjuan han, ming guan, jiang wang, shuyuan liu, ying ge, jie chang. responses of dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium and denitrification to plant presence, plant species and species richness in simulated vertical flow constructed wetlands. wetlands, 2017, 37: 109-122.

14. bin luo, ying ge, wenjuan han, xing fan, yuan ren, yuanyuan du, mengmeng shi, jie chang. decreases in ammonia volatilization in response to greater plant diversity in microcosms of constructed wetlands. atmospheric environment, 2016, 142: 414-419.

15. zhenyan zhao, jie chang, wenjuan han, meng wang, danpin ma, yuanyuan du, zelong qu, scott x chang, ying ge. effects of plant diversity and sand particle size on methane emission and nitrogen removal in microcosms of constructed wetlands. ecological engineeing, 2016, 95: 390-398.

16. meiyin fan, kaixuan pan, wenjuan han, yijun lu, qi shen, meng wang, yuan ren, zelong qu, jie chang, ying ge*. a strategy for introducing an endangered plant mosla hangchowensis to urban area based on nitrogen preference. acta physiologiae plantarum, 2016, 38: 265.

17. biqing chen, dong liu, wenjuan han, xing fan, haiqin cao, qinsu jiang, yu liu, jie chang, ying ge*. nitrogen-removal ability and niche of coix lacryma-jobi and reineckia carnea in response to no3−/nh4 ratio. aquatic botany, 2015, 120: 193-200.

18. yuan ren, ying ge, danping ma, xilu song, yan shi, kaixuan pan, zelong qu, peipei guo, wenjuan han, jie chang*. enhancing plant diversity and mitigating bvoc emissions of urban green spaces through the introduction of ornamental tree species. urban forestry & urban greening, 2017, 27: 305-313.

19. 江佳, 盛笑羚, 邵炯妮, 林颖, 何沁如, 韩文娟*. 马尾松和木荷幼苗主要功能性状对氮磷和石灰添加的响应. 应用与环境生物学报, 2020, 26 (2): 410-416.

20. 韩文娟, 曹旭平, 张文辉*, 地被物对油松幼苗早期更新的影响. 林业科学2014, 50(1): 49-54.

21. 韩文娟, 何景峰, 张文辉, 李景侠*, 黄龙山林区油松人工林林窗对幼苗根系生长及土壤理化性质的影响. 林业科学, 2013, 49(11): 16-23.

22. 韩文娟, 张文辉*, 何景峰, 袁小青, 不同坡向油松人工林建群种种群结构及群落特征分析. 西北农林科技学报(自然科学版), 2012, 40(3): 47-55.

23. 韩文娟, 朱佳宁, 李丹, 刘阳, 吴建之, 葛滢, 常杰, 模拟人工湿地植物混种对氮去除及温室气体排放的影响. 中国科技论文. 2013, 9(12): 1351-1356.

24. 韩文娟, 袁晓青, 张文辉*,油松人工林林窗对幼苗天然更新的影响. 应用生态学报, 2012, 23(11): 2490-2498.

25. 吴初平, 韩文娟, 江波, 刘博文, 袁位高, 沈爱华, 黄玉洁, 朱锦茹. 浙江定海次生林内物种丰富度与生物了生产力关系的环境依赖性. 生物多样性, 2018, 26(6): 545-553.

26. 罗斌, 韩文娟, 杜园园, 唐宇力, 陈希, 朱康娣, 葛滢, 常杰, 模拟人工湿地中植物多样性对氨挥发强度的效应. 生态学杂志. 2016, 35(8): 2094-2100. 

27. 蒋跃平, 于晨晨, 韩文娟, 王海, 罗斌, 施猛猛, 常杰, 葛滢. 植物多样性对湿地氨挥发和温室气体排放的影响. 杭州师范大学学报(自然科学版). 2017,16(5): 491-497.

28. 赵争艳, 钟雨辰, 韩文娟, 唐宇力, 范丽琨, 范星, 常杰, 葛滢. 植物多样性对人工湿地微宇宙甲烷排放的影响. 生态学杂志. 2016, 35(7): 1783-1790.

29. 刘文利, 张崇邦, 管铭, 韩文娟, 葛滢, 常杰, 不同植物种类、碳氮源供给和ph对人工湿地真菌反硝化的影响. 植物营养与肥料学报. 2017, 23(4): 1030-1036.

30. 吴敏, 张文辉, 周建云, 马闯, 韩文娟, 干旱胁迫对栓皮栎幼苗细根的生长与生理生化指标的影响. 生态学报. 2014, 34(15): 4223-4233.


1.国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,20191213,高氮生境中异养生物对植物物种多样性与生态系统功能关系的影响,2020/01-2022/12, 24万元,在研,主持

2.浙江省自然科学基金青年基金项目,lq18c030001,氮沉降过量抑制马尾松和木荷幼苗生长的机理及缓解措施,2018/01-2020/12, 8万元,在研,已结题 

3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,31870462,估算森林生物量的普适性相对生长方程,2019.01-2022.1260万元,在研,参加

4. 国家重点研发计划,2018yfc0507203,东部典型区域陆地生物多样性保护目标设定与评估示范,2018.07-2021.06178万元,在研,参加

5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,31670329,植物多样性与人工湿地氮去除关系对生境氮水平的响应及机理,2016/01-2019/1268万元,结题,参与

6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,31470463, 人工湿地中植物多样性对养殖废水氨挥发相关氮过程的影响, 2015/01-2018/12, 87万元,已结题,参与





